Safety the Simplot Way


A Deep Commitment to a Culture of Safety

At the J.R. Simplot Company, we have a passion for people, 这体现在我们对员工安全和福祉的坚定承诺上, customers, suppliers and communities in which we work. 十大正规博彩网站排名致力于营造一个安全健康的工作场所,全球所有员工都积极参与其中.

我们始终以全球安全理念为指导,积极主动, constantly improving workplace safety.

Simplot全球安全理念是Simplot安全文化的基础, 将全球所有员工置于一个安全价值体系之下. 这一理念反映了我们公司对支持和促进安全流程持续改进的承诺, individual accountability and performance.


C.A.R.E. is a comprehensive and evolving framework for the continual, 主动改善整个公司及其服务社区的安全保障. We created C.A.R.E. around a central set of principles:

  • Commit – Make the commitment to safety through demonstrated actions.
  • Assess – Both physical workplace conditions and behaviors.
  • Recognize – To establish a positive safety culture.
  • Encourage -安全行为通过积极反馈,纠正不安全行为.

通过评估、观察和安全信息,C.A.R.E. process was constructed for continuous improvement, management accountability, and employee engagement, 在我们的设施内建立和维持积极的安全文化. The C.A.R.E. 过程为我们提供了一个前瞻性的测量-而不仅仅是事故数据-趋势, 评估风险并制定行动计划以防止事故发生.

Security at Simplot

C.A.R.E. 是否也越来越关注安全作为员工安全的关键因素的作用.

Simplot的安全工作包括进行风险评估, identifying vulnerabilities, following stringent guidelines, coordinating with local and federal authorities, and implementing proactive strategic planning. 这些措施有助于保护公司员工和社区,同时保持Simplot业务的运营和可持续发展.

In this video, Alicia Duke, Simplot's Senior Director of Health, 安全和保障解释了为什么Simplot员工的福祉是我们成功的关键. images

Community Health and Safety

十多年来,Simplot在美国西部各地的员工.S. have participated in rescue competitions.

这项救援比赛帮助员工提高他们的技能,测试他们的知识和团队合作能力,以便在紧急情况发生时尽最大努力保护员工的安全. 每个小组还与当地消防部门互动并向其学习, the Department of Homeland Security, various experts in rescue and response, and other public response services. images

Pandemic Response

在全球冠状病毒大流行期间,Simplot保留了员工, 通过制定和遵守一致和全面的健康和安全协议,承包商和我们的社区安全. The Simplot “3+1 Guidelines for Health & Safety” include mask wearing, physical distancing, 按照疾控中心或我们全球业务所在地的卫生当局的建议,加强卫生和居家措施. This diligent attention to protecting employees, 在这个前所未有的时刻,他们的家人和我们的社区帮助确保了每个人尽可能的安全.





Our business practices, 产品和服务有助于带来经济价值,维持我们的农业社区和土地. 
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